Thursday, April 23, 2009

Last Angela's Ashes Post

Chapters 16-19

The last bit of the book in my opinion was well written. Frank has his first drink at age sixteen with his uncle. His actions turn out to be interesting once he goes home. He confronts his mother of all the things shes done and esp. sleeping with Laman. I felt bad for her but I think she deserved it from all the years previous. Frank starts to question his faith after all the bad that has happened to him. He has prayed and prayed and still bad things come to him. I would probably start to think like Frank as well. The side job he has with Mrs. Finucane ends right before his nineteenth birthday. She passes on and Frank takes a total of fifty seven pounds from her which is enough in addition to his saving to get him to America. Frank announces he is leaving and his mother is saddened. Once he gets on the boat he has that home sick feeling, which I think is normal for anyone leaving home. Family is family. He ends the book with one word, Tis', which I found neat because it is simple and to the point and a good choice. The reader can assume what happens from there.

Jonathan Taylor

Monday, April 6, 2009

Week 12 Blog on Angela's Ashes

Chapters 9-11

Good for Angela, putting her foot down about not having any more kids! Too bad that abstinence, rather than birth control, seems to be the only option, though. Along similar lines, I found it interesting (and kind of sad) that Frank’s only source of “sex education” came from his friend Mikey, the self-proclaimed expert on Girls’ Bodies and Dirty Things in General. It was kind of amusing, though, that once Frank learned why he was born “early,” that he planned to use this information as leverage in case his mother ever found out about his cutting up her flapper dress! But back to the bit about sex education, and education from parents in general: I’ve been wondering, if Angela is home with the kids all the time, and usually jobless Malachy Sr. is home a lot of the time too, what do these people talk about or do?! There aren’t any toys for the kids, and hardly any other form of entertainment aside from the occasional book. And how much housework could there be if they hardly own any clothing, bedding, dishes, etc.? Seems like there would be some opportunity for the parents to actually have meaningful or educational conversations with their kids, but this doesn’t seem to happen.

And what a surprise that once Malachy Sr. goes off to England to work, he continues to drink away virtually all of his wages, forcing his starving family to seek help from the lowest of all charities. The saddest part is that he doesn’t seem to care about how much he’s hurting them. At least the kids recognize how bad his behavior is…

Sunday, April 5, 2009

download a video to audicaity... a great way

Download, convert and save videos directly from Youtube, Google Video, Myspace and more.

-MP4 (Download faster in High Quality and HD) *Recommend
-3GP (Download faster for Phone)
-FLV (Download faster - Rename file .FLV - Example: Namevideo.flv)
-MP3, WAV (Audio Only)

1. copy the video url (Example: On the right of the video usually from youtube
2. go to
3. paste the video url in the url box
4. select format (AVI, MPEG, MP4, 3GP, WMV, MP3, FLV, MOV, WAV)
5. Click download

* Moreover, it can convert local videos on your PC in the formats above.

Use Forinside

**All the information above was taken Livia A. from**

Alex Mott

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 11 Blog on Angela's Ashes

Chapters 6-8:

It is nice to read that Frank has some better teachers now. Mr. O’Neill (“Dotty”), the master in fourth class, does not seem quite as intent on whipping his students as previous teachers, and he even exhibits a degree of humanism by the tears he subtly sheds after Brendan asks him what the use of learning about Euclid is when the Germans are bombing everything around them. A couple years later, after Frank’s illness takes him out of school for two months, he is forced to repeat the previous grade (fifth class). Luckily, his teacher Mr. O’Dea gives him a creative writing assignment, and Frank’s response is a very practical one that really gets to the heart of Ireland’s problems. The maturity of his ideas convinces Mr. O’Dea and Mr. O’Halloran (master in sixth class) to allow Frank to proceed to sixth class. Sixth class with Mr. O’Halloran is the first time in which Frank has a teacher who doesn’t call his students idiots and who actually encourages them to use their minds to make their own conclusions about life, rather than simply being forced to recite the teacher’s own opinion. How refreshing that this teacher finally recognizes that despite the students’ poverty, their minds are very valuable. There is hope yet for Frank!

Frank’s mind is stretched in another significant way in these chapters. While in the hospital, being treated for typhoid, he talks to his unseen roommate Patricia, who persuades the janitor Seamus to bring books to Frank. Reading brings Frank to life in an almost magical way! How wonderful that he had this experience (and how ridiculous that he never had such stimulation up until this point!), despite the circumstances of being sick in the hospital with a narrow-minded, overly-controlling nurse to tend to him.

In general, it seems that Frank can only enjoy in separated pockets of time small rewards, such as reading, being given the opportunity to think for himself, or even having a decent meal. Yet he has the strength to persevere and not lose his spirit…most impressive!